Release Notes for OWL 2.9.1-owl5
These release notes for OWL 2.9.1-owl5 provide an overview of the changes made and new features added to OWL on August 28, 2014.
This is the tenth release of OWL, and the fifth based on the 2.9.1 tag of Sakai.
This release contains anonymous assignments, improved Assignments navigation, Western-specific copyright options, and user interface improvements. This version of OWL was released on August 28, 2014.
Additions and Changes
- Assignments now supports anonymous submissions and grading. This allows instructors to view and grade student submissions without revealing the identity of each submitter.
Assignment submission list displaying anonymous ids for students
- New options have been added to Assignments for navigating between submissions. Options include viewing only ungraded submissions and/or only students who have submitted.
Assignments grading page with new navigation options
- When uploading a file in Resources, the copyright options are more visible and customized to align with Western's Copyright guidelines.
Copyright options for uploading a resource
- The course grade submission feaure in Gradebook has been expanded for Continuing Studies.
- Editing links in Lessons now preserves customized link details.
- User interface improvements have been made in several tools, including Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, Site Info, and Gradebook.
- Explanations on the Manage Access page of Site Info have been rewritten for clarity.
- Overall system security has been enhanced.
Please visit OWL Documentation for more information about using these new features.
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