MATH 1600B - Linear Algebra - Fall 2018

Sections 001 and 002

Section: 001 002
Instructor: Ajneet Dhillon Ajneet Dhillon
Time and Location:

M-W-F 8.30-9.30 SEB-2200

M-W-F 10:30-11:30, NCB-113
Office hours    


1 hour per week. The TA will review material from the course, answer questions, and run group activities. You must attend the tutorial you are registered for (see your schedule). Tutorials meet for the first time in the second full week (starting Sept. 17th). Both lecture sections share the following seven tutorial sections:


003 Wedn @ 12.30 PAB 117     007 Thurs @ 12.30  SSC 3026  
004 Thurs @ 2.30 SSC 3028     008  Wedn @ 11.30 SSC 3014  
005  Thurs @ 11.30 UCC 41     009  Wedn @ 1.30  SSC 3010  
006 Wedn @ 3.30  SSC 2020     010 Merged with 004    

Math Help Center (Extra Help):

The Mathematics Department runs a Help Center in MC 105 at times TBA

Course website:

Important announcements and documents will be posted on OWL. Visit this page regularly for up to date information.


Applied Mathematics 1411A/B, 2811B, the former Linear Algebra 1600A/B.


One or more of Ontario Secondary School MCV4U, Mathematics 1229A/B, Calculus 1000A/B or 1500A/B, the former Calculus 1100A/B. Calculus 1000A/B or 1500A/B may be taken as a pre- or corequisite.

Unless you have either the requisites for this course or written special permission from your Dean to enroll in it, you may be removed from this course and it will be deleted from your record. This decision may not be appealed. You will receive no adjustment to your fees in the event that you are dropped from a course for failing to have the necessary prerequisites.

Course Outline:

Properties and applications of vectors; matrix algebra; solving systems of linear equations; determinants; vector spaces; orthogonality; eigenvalues and eigenvectors.


Poole, D., Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction, custom coursepack, Nelson Education.

This textbook is available at the bookstore. It should be possible to find used copies as well. There is also a "Student Solutions Manual" but it is not required.

You will need to purchase access to EWA (enhanced webassign).


The evaluation will be based on

For exams, questions will be similar — but not identical — to the exercises in the textbook. The best way to prepare for exams is to do as many exercises as possible. Note that the point is not to learn solutions by heart, but to gain experience in finding them. Please note that it is important to attend the lecture and tutorial sections for which you are enrolled.

The midterm is scheduled Thursday October 25th from 7pm to 9pm. Seating assignments will be posted on OWL as soon as possible.

The final examination is scheduled by the Registrar Office. Announcements will be posted on OWL as soon as the information is available.

If you are unable to attend the midterm due to illness or other serious circumstances, you must provide valid medical or other supporting documentation to the Dean's office as soon as possible and contact your instructor immediately. It is the student's responsibility to make alternative arrangements with their instructor. For further information please see:

Academic Offences:

Scholastic offences are taken seriously and students are directed to read the appropriate policy, specifically, the definition of what constitutes a Scholastic Offence, at the following Web site:


Please contact the course instructor if you require material in an alternate format or if you require any other arrangements to make this course more accessible to you. You may also wish to contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) at 661-2111 ext. 82147 for any specific question regarding an accommodation.

Health and Wellness:

As part of a successful student experience at Western, we encourage students to make their health and wellness a priority. Western provides several on campus health-related services to help you achieve optimum health and engage in healthy living while pursuing your degree. Students who are in emotional/mental distress should refer to Mental Health@Western ( for a complete list of options about how to obtain help.